
B2B Articles - Feb 22, 2011 11:15:03 PM - By Ironpaper

Ironpaper looking for freelance to part-time graphic designer for web

Ironpaper is looking to hire a freelance or part-time graphic designer for the web. The top factors for consideration will be portfolio of web design, critical thinking for design, and real-world experience in solving design problems. Ideally, the candidate would have information design or information architecture experience to supplement Ironpaper's pre-design processes.

We are seeking a graphic designer that is based in New York City and would be available for an in-person meeting at the Ironpaper office located at 469 7th Ave. NYC 10018.

When applying, please submit a link to an online portfolio or provide a digital PDF for review.

We expect all applicants to be fluent in Photoshop and Illustrator--Fireworks and InDesign are nice-to-haves.