
B2B Articles - May 27, 2013 5:57:47 PM - By Ironpaper

Launch of private support groups in Healtheo360

Healtheo360Healtheo360 is a "Caring Network" website where patients living with chronic conditions, such as Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer's, and many others come to find support, encouragement and information. The healtheo360 community includes patients, their caregivers, family members and friends who come to share their personal healing stories so that others may find inspiration and motivation as they go through the journey of living with their condition. Members share their health related stories, videos and learn from each other through online discussion and forums.

Ironpaper recently launched a new, major upgrade for Healtheo360--private support groups.

This new feature will allow real-world support groups (such as hospital groups, condition-based groups and coping or recovery groups) extend digital services and support to their communities.

healthcare website support groups

The new support group feature will expand the content offerings of the social network website, as well as allow third-party organization involvement within the website--expanding the partnership potential of Healtheo360. The private support groups will also provide partners with a public website presence for their health-focused community--acting as a healthcare support website.

Learn more about Healtheo360