
B2B Articles - Jul 28, 2013 11:15:47 AM - By Ironpaper

Advancing Healtheo360's marketing platform + CRM

Ironpaper has made tremendous strides in the past couple months with the advancement of the Healtheo360 CMS, marketing platform and CRM. With the introduction of private and local support groups, Healtheo360 has been able to expand it's relationship with healthcare providers and institutions by providing free engagement tools and interactivity software that ties into it's core social platform.

Private and local support groups

online private support groups Private and local support groups section

The private and local support group structure provides a space for users to have more meaningful conversations and engagement experiences. These protected spaces allow for users to pose questions, find relevant events that relate to them, find resources, listen to stories and help others. The website was expanded to include a new design for groups and more functionality to allow users to connect.

With the introduction of the private and local support groups, we have had to make advances to the web design of the network. We recognize improves that should be made to the design of the website, but we try to incrementally made adjustments or advances with the introduction of new features. For example, we overhauled the Kudos button throughout the website and improved the side panel of groups to include an "actions panel"--making it simpler for users to engage.

Expanded CRM platform

In an effort to improve Healtheo360's ability to measure user engagement across it's support groups and user base, we recently introduced new tools that advance the CRM and data-analysis portions of the admin panel. We found that by introducing new ways to engage and new content types, it is vital to better understand how users are participating and measure that participation over time.

healthcare CRM and CMS Admin Dashboard view of Healtheo360

We have expanded the CRM within Healtheo360 to improve the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns for the organization and it's ability to power meaningful community dialogue.  The CRM now identifies users that have not engaged recently, which allows Healtheo360 to self-assess it's communications strategy and re-connect dis-engaged users.

CRM and CMS with healthcare marketing platform

Next steps for improving design and analytics

Although we have technology improvements planned for the next couple years, we constantly iterate and make decisions based on user needs and changes in the community. Certainly we are balancing the need to find new members for the community through marketing, while expanding the potential and quality of the community. Next steps will certainly include more advances to the support groups section as well as increased tools for communication and collaboration within the website for both groups and facilitators.