
B2B Articles - Aug 24, 2013 12:19:13 PM - By Ironpaper

Now hiring: Full-time Web Development Team Leader in NYC

Ironpaper is looking to hire a full-time web development and production manager. This candidate should have a high-degree of proficiency in web development, a love for technology and user-experience and be very personable. Should demonstrate leadership skills, creative problem-solving and have a strong work ethic.

  • Full-time position to work on location in NYC
  • Web developer position
  • Leadership position
  • Nice person with good communication skills
  • Creative problem solver

The candidate should have a background in web development projects with either frontend or backend coding skills. Must like to collaborate and know when to step up and take a leadership role. Must LOVE building websites/applications for the web.

Read about this position: Full-time web development team leader

Apply online: Apply to this position online