
B2B Articles - Feb 2, 2009 12:32:41 AM - By Ironpaper

Design Gone Wild and Web Design Deals Gone Wild

Design Deals Gone Wild
Ironpaper prepares to launch a new design site to provide low cost web design solutions to small businesses.

Design Gone Wild
One day traffic highs for designgonewild.com have reached 2,976 unique visitors on peak days with traffic surges. We have also received a lot of great feedback! We have connected Design Gone Wild to our advertising network system and are hosting ads and reports.
Update: One month traffic update for Design Gone Wild: 25,000 unique visitors in one month: from Sept 20th to October 20th.
Lows: We have documented one month traffic lows for Design Gone Wild now at 2,330 unique visitors For November 2008. We have ceased all burst traffic campaigns to watch a slow but steady climb averaging approximately 74 unique visitors per day with 91% new visits.