
B2B Articles - May 9, 2015 10:04:48 AM - By Ironpaper

Launch of Verisae's new website

Ironpaper launched the new website for Verisae, following their merger with Viryanet. Verisae delivers cloud management solutions for always-on companies. Verisae helps "always on" companies ensure that their facilities remain open and operational 24/7.

The new website for Verisae will play a central role in the company's demand generation program. The website was built on top of Hubspot's COS and marketing automation platform--powering lifecycle/behavior tracking, personalization, workflows, progressive profiling and lead scoring--tools that will improve the depth of Verisae's marketing analysis and measurement of ROI.

Ironpaper helps technology companies, Internet of Things companies, and IT companies with marketing, design and digital strategy.

See more: Service Supply Chain Website Design Example


Verisae website design