
B2B Articles - May 29, 2010 7:53:37 PM - By Ironpaper

Small business web project planning

Ironpaper is adding more content to focus on small business web projects. The needs of small businesses are a very exciting arena for Ironpaper. From web design, social media marketing, staff training to web technology integration, there are a broad range of opportunities for small businesses to build better customer relationships and develop new leads. The social web has given small businesses a new arsenal of tools in which they can complete against larger franchises or industry leaders.

Our new section called Webintel is a great place for web designers and business owners to read up on some very useful techniques that relate to web publishing. Also, we will begin to provide more information for small businesses  throughout the Ironpaper website--to help outline the number of ways that Ironpaper can help make build better business online. Try our WebCenter, which outlines three services for business owners which will give them a leg up against rivals.