December 30, 2014
By: Ironpaper

Connecting with bloggers using commenting

Online PR - web commentingMany businesses and non-profits are shifting focus to online PR and SEO efforts. Online PR is very similar to regular PR, but the focus is digital online or digital first. Online PR involves everything from creating great and shareable content to influencing bloggers and inspiring stories within publications.

Commenting can be a powerful practice if done right. Many comments are read as part of the story narrative. Often times, comments are voted on or sorted by popularity. Commenting is also a great way to participate within a community.

Commenting can be more effective for connecting with bloggers than emailing them. Email can be overwhelming for many journalists, bloggers and publishers. The sheer number of unsolicited emails that publishers receive can be staggering. Comments have a lasting value, by the fact that they play a role in the narrative of a web article. Try to add value to social media relationships and online community connections.

Tips for writing a good comment

  • Read the post before commenting. You would be surprised by the comments that obviously have no relation to the post. These comments can be flagged or be shot down by other commenters. Be relevant.
  • Read other comments before posting. To leave meaningful comments, don't just jot down your first impression. Add to the conversation. Scan or read the comments left prior, and add to the full narrative. This will make your comment more meaningful and well-received by the community.
  • Start a conversation. Comments are a great way to spawn a larger dialogue, which can drive your value within the online community. Comments are often nested, and your sub-conversation will most likely be linked to your post.
  • Don't link unless it's meaningful. Many commenters are flagged as spam because they link back to some unrelated website--not topically relevant to the post or comment thread. Don't try to use comments to drive SEO for your website. Try to build value around your brand by participating in communities authentically.
  • Support others that are strong contributors. By building relationships through online communities, you may build relationships that stand long-term.
  • Create a meaningful profile. Ensure your profile represents you properly. Make it short, but add poignant details to allow for personally branding value. Often a great profile touchpoint is a Twitter or Google+ handle, since both social networks have easy networking capabilities for non-friend or real-world connections.
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