Content Marketing for Manufacturing Companies

Grow Your Share of the Global Manufacturing Market with Content Marketing.

Content marketing is not just churning out blog posts and ebooks - it's about building connections with your ideal buyers and creating relationships that last.

Some of the most pressing challenges manufacturers face, like shifting buyer expectations, increased competition, and complex pricing negotiations, can be addressed with a content marketing strategy that targets, educates, and engages your desired audience.

Ironpaper Growth Engine

Ironpaper is a B2B growth agency specializing in content marketing programs that attract, engage, and convert ideal buyers. 

Key benefits of content marketing for manufacturers include:

  • Increased Qualified Lead Generation
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Increased Brand Awareness
  • Thought Leadership
  • Increased Engagement 


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Successful content marketing builds brand value and protects your margins.

Complex pricing structures, volume discounts, and custom projects make it difficult for manufacturers to maintain strong margins - especially when their buyers are primarily concerned about price.

Too many B2B agencies develop generic content marketing strategies without understanding your buyer's needs or aspirations. In a complex, globalized industry like manufacturing, that strategy won't perform.

Ironpaper understands your buyers and their challenges and creates content that positions your brand as a valuable partner, combatting price-shopping mentalities and protecting your bottom line.

Three images of teams working together on computers, tablets, and a whiteboard collaborating on strategy and execution.
Ironpaper's conversion growth strategy

Ironpaper values content performance over volume.

Instead of churning out a high volume of low-performing content, Ironpaper produces thoughtful, impactful content in a variety of formats that supports your growth goals.

Whether your goal is to increase qualified lead generation, target specific accounts, or bring a new service to market, we develop a tailored strategy to ensure content is relevant, high-performing, and engages your ideal buyers.

Part of this strategy is ideating on content and improving its performance over time. To measure the success of content over time, we track:

  • Conversion rates
  • Qualified lead conversion rates
  • SEO rankings
  • CTA click-through rates

Exceed buyer expectations with targeted, relevant content.

B2B buyers' expectations have evolved rapidly in recent years, and some manufacturers have struggled to keep up. Today, buyers expect:

  • More opportunities for self-education
  • Modern methods of communication
  • Less pressure to make a purchasing decision

Content marketing can help you develop a strong relationship with your buyers without resorting to high-pressure sales tactics or requiring buyers to connect with a salesperson to learn more.

This is especially critical in an industry where buyers have more options than ever before.

A graphic showing a sample buyer's profile, including his name, title, pain points, interests, and different interactions he has had with the brand's website.
Three images of a content strategy session, on showing a woman mid-sentence with a whiteboard full of post-it notes and information behind her. The other two images are black and white shots of whiteboards with content strategy information on them.

Manufacturing Content Marketing

We are full-funnel content experts.

Well-strategized content marketing allows manufacturers to showcase their unique value proposition and build strong relationships with their audience, fostering trust, loyalty, and brand affinity. 

We develop content strategies that engage your ideal audience throughout the entire buying cycle, from their first visit to your website to sales enablement content to help close deals.

→Thought leadership

→Content for demand generation

→Inbound marketing

→Content for account-based marketing

→Content for sales nurturing

Content Strategies for B2B Manufacturing That Drive Growth.

We use content to transform your buyers' challenges into opportunities for growth and engagement.

Lead generation graph depicting growth over time.

Buyer-centric content is key to effective engagement. Our multi-channel content strategies deliver engaging, relevant content that echoes your brand's voice.

ABM and inbound marketing. Target decision-makers and convert ideal buyers

Retention strategy. Tactics to improve customer acquisition and retention

Differentiation strategy. Showcase a clear value proposition in content and messaging to help clients stand out against their competitors

Content strategy. Drive customer education with accessible content and build trust with qualified leads and prospects

Engagement strategy. Use effective nurturing content to keep qualified leads engaged over a long sales cycle

Marketing goals. Establish key goals for site visitors and lead generation

Behavior-based email marketing. Personalized emails based on user engagement that drives conversion

Full-funnel analytics. Use technology like marketing automation to collect and analyze full-funnel customer journeys

Data strategy. Use analytics to optimize and refine campaigns based on real-time customer interactions

Lead and prospect insights. Utilize insights to create better prospecting and lead generation strategies

Content Marketing for Manufacturing Companies

Ironpaper utilizes content marketing as a powerful tool for aiding manufacturing companies in their demand generation efforts. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by these companies, Ironpaper employs a multifaceted and strategic approach to content creation. We develop educational and engaging content that highlights our client's expertise and positioning in the manufacturing industry.

We focus on creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content that not only reaches the desired target audience but also effectively generates leads and promotes engagement. The content aims to educate potential buyers about offerings and the unique benefits our clients provide.

We continuously track and measure the performance of our content strategies, providing companies with tangible results and maximized ROI.

Ironpaper's comprehensive content marketing strategy empowers manufacturing companies to overcome industry-specific challenges, build robust brand awareness, attract qualified leads, and drive sales growth.

Tel 212-993-7809  

Ironpaper ®
10 East 33rd Street 
6th Floor
New York, NY 10016

Ironpaper - B2B Agency

B2B Marketing and Growth Agency.

Grow your B2B business boldly. Ironpaper is a B2B marketing agency. We build growth engines for marketing and sales success. We drive demand generation campaigns, ABM programs, B2B content, sales enablement, qualified leads, and B2B marketing efforts. 

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