
B2B Articles - Mar 21, 2009 12:12:58 AM - By Ironpaper

Wall Street To Silicon Alley

Under an act by the Bloomburg administration, many past Wall Street investment bankers may try a run at being a Silicon Alley entrepreneur. A program called "JumpStart NYC" will provide a five-day “bootcamp” for ex-Wall Street employees. JumpStart NYC is run by the State University of New York’s Levin Institute, and the program is designed for recently laid off workers with at least three years experience on Wall Street.

- $45 million job-training initiative

Additional Features:
- Launch a financial services business plan competition
- Business incubators at 90 John Street and 160 Varick Street
- A venture capital connect portal to provide a clearing house for entrepreneurs and start-ups
- Infusion of $3 million to seed several angel funds worth about $9 million to $10 million