
B2B Articles - Jan 18, 2010 2:53:16 AM - By Ironpaper

New Government Imposed Web Video Restrictions In Italy Cause Uproar

The Italian Government recently passed new rules requiring users who upload videos to the web to seek approval through the Communications Ministry--a requirement imposed on large television broadcasters. Such laws will drastically reduce the freedom and innovations of web based communication.

Opposition party members in Italy have already denounced the new rules as an injury to freedom of expression. "The decree subjects the transmission of images on the Web to rules typical of television and requires prior ministerial authorization, with an incredible limitation on the way the Internet currently functions" stated Paolo Gentiloni, a spokesperson for the Democratic Party.

Other critics state that Silvio Berlusconi is not acting in the interests of the general public in the process of introducing such laws. Silvio Berlusconi, the Prime Minister of Italy, is on one hand the controller of the state broadcaster RAI and on the other hand controls the largest private Italian broadcasting company, Mediaset. Such an apparent conflict of interests will place private business interests before the interests of the general public, critics assert.