
B2B Articles - Jun 22, 2010 1:04:07 PM - By Ironpaper

64-bit Version of Flash Player On Hold But Not Cancelled

Adobe pulled back on it's launch of a 64-bit Flash player.

Currently, 64-bit versions of Linux, Mac and Windows are in use and software is being produced for those systems right now. Adobe had planned to launch a 64-bit version of the Flash player, but recalled the launch. The company maintains that the project is still high priority however (Source: CNET).  They have not published an official launch schedule since pulling back on their product.

Although, there is a battle between proponents of HTML 5 and Flash, a lot of users still need Flash for video and communications, online games, charts, and layered effects for web design. Some users hate the notion of Flash, because it has long be used for annoying advertising and "splash pages" that disrupt the user experience. Apple refused to support Flash with either it's iPhone or iPad products, which is a bold stance against Adobe--a one time partner.