
B2B Articles - Aug 10, 2010 10:02:16 AM - By Ironpaper

Controversial internet regulation proposal by Google and Verizon

Google and Verizon jointly created a proposal that outlines how they believe the internet should be regulated. The plan is not aligned with the tenets of Net Neutrality and has been widely criticized by proponents of a "free and democratic" web.

The proposal does not state that Internet Service Providers should be able to block content providers. Additionally, in keeping with Net Neutrality provisions, the plan states that the FCC should have regulatory authority and be able to impose fines for rule breakers and states that there should be no "fast lanes" for priority service.

However, the joint proposal does state that there should be exceptions for cellphone networks. Many are concerned that the exceptions would simply serve as a loophole for carriers to skirt the regulations stated elsewhere in the proposal.