
B2B Articles - Feb 5, 2011 10:39:29 PM - By Ironpaper

35% of all searches on Yelp.com were mobile-based

Yelp.com released some fascinating statistics on it's site usage. Perhaps the most intriguing of them was that 35% of all searches on Yelp were conducted via it's mobile app. This shows the growing power and importance of mobile for internet-based business and marketing.

The Yelp mobile app has had 3.2 million unique visitors. Every two seconds a user receives directions to a local business using Yelp's mobile app. Search Engine Land went as far to say that the mobile app users of Yelp are more "active and engaged" than it's PC users.

Mobile is becoming an essential tool for business campaigns and visibility online.  Many companies have discovered that mobile internet users have a higher conversion rate than their PC counterparts.