
B2B Articles - Feb 19, 2011 10:40:44 AM - By Ironpaper

Social results may get an elevated presence in search

Recently, social-networking website content has began to popular the search results of major engines like Google with real time results.

Social media content may now get an even more elevated presence in Google and may even affect how webpages are ranked. Google announced a new expansion called Google Social Search results that will be in effect nearly immediately.

More surprisingly, the social media content will be mixed into the regular web page content listings--as normal search results. Sharing activity will be spotlighted underneath web page content, which connects traditional content with social media behavior. This new expansion will be linked to Personized Search Results and social media can be linked to your Google account which delivers in-network activity.

Personalized search with Facebook dataAlthough Google is not incorporating Facebook Like activity into their search results, Bing has taken that step to introduce Facebook Like data to it's pages. Some question whether Google can even get the Like data even though it does have a partnership deal with Facebook, allowing it to use the social data.