B2B Articles - May 13, 2011 11:29:25 PM - By Ironpaper
Google is adding a feature called "News near you," which highlights news articles from your local area. The new feature works with Google's mobile version of News for the U.S. English edition. Local-news has already been introduced to the regular Google News since back in 2008--and the program was expanded across the world.
In order to activate the tool, users will be asked to share their location. Google scrapes the web and discerns news footage using location clues algorithmically.
As more users read the news on their mobile devices, location seems to be a greater interest. The New York Times points out that newspapers have struggled to adequately offer and recognize the need making the news personally and individually relevant to readers (Google Adds News Near You, May 13, 2011). The combination of mobile and ultra-localization may increase the relevancy of news for readers.