B2B Articles - Jun 25, 2011 11:15:00 AM - By Ironpaper
Problems with Internet security are becoming a common occurrence for governments, large corporations, non-profits, small businesses and individuals alike.
In Singapore this week, a small but global gathering of security researchers to began the launch of an approach to online security, which will ultimately require the participation of governments and businesses world-wide. The approach is intended to make the Internet and email more security by validating the identity of communications by passing and guiding requests through through highly secure servers. These servers would be highly guarded fortresses that would help to provide confidence in the identity of the communicating entities.
This security framework could be adopted by the US this coming Spring as it attempts to create a system of "trusted Internet connections (TIC)." The purpose of this US Government project (Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) Initiative) will be to optimize and create standards for the security of individual external network connections.