
B2B Articles - Aug 21, 2011 10:14:52 PM - By Ironpaper

Verification added to Google Plus for Celebs

How many Google Plus accounts can one celebrity have? Well, Google is in the process of tackling an on-going problem for social media accounts--creating accounts on behalf of others. This new feature will help to control identity on Google's new social network--helping to provide confidence that the person you are following is really who they claim to be.

Small verification badges can now be seen near the names of some celebrities and public figures. Also, these verification badges can be seen on some users that are found in many Google Plus circles. (Note: There doesn't seem to be a minimum number of followers for verified "popular" users.)

The verification badges appear alongside the profile name of the user as a gray checkmark. As you mouse over the mark, you will see a message "verified name" pop up.