
B2B Articles - Sep 10, 2011 11:03:09 AM - By Ironpaper

Adobe's new web interactivity tool that uses standards

Edge web design toolAdobe just released Adobe® Edge--a new web interactivity tool that brings motion and interaction to websites for web designers. The really exciting thing is that the new tool uses contemporary web standards of HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3 to create the interactive effects--and not Flash.

The company plans on continuous updates for the new tool--keeping it above evolving web standards. Also, they are taking user feedback to help the tool grow. Adobe really needs a win here, as Flash is on a decline after a war with Apple over the future of the mobile web. Flash is losing that battle.

Some of the exciting features of Edge include:

  • Smart guides, which helps web designers align objects when repositioning them on a page
  • Drag and drop z-index manipulation
  • You can copy and paste elements into Edge to replicate their shape
  • Semantic tags will help with SEO and building a more data rich website