
B2B Articles - Jan 7, 2012 12:14:00 PM - By Ironpaper

eCommerce shopping for 2011 holiday season hits $37.2 billion

By mid December of 2011, the US saw six of the largest eCommerce spending days during the holiday season. The holiday season of November and December in 2011 proved to be one of the largest ever. Online retailers saw a 15% increase from the prior year.

  • eCommerce shopping for the 2011 holiday season hit $37.2 billion

Of the holiday season, the single biggest day was Cyber Monday with $1.25bn in spending. The holiday season was a landmark one for eCommerce spending in the US. The Internet is gaining in appeal for retail shopping because of it's convenience, selection and lower prices. Shopping tools such as deals and discounts (available through digital channels) have helped to spawn such growth. Free shipping has also grown in appeal. Over half of transactions this season, provided free shipping as a way to drive online sales.