B2B Articles - Apr 21, 2013 11:30:30 AM - By Ironpaper
At Facebook's Mobile Developer Conference in NYC, the company will be announcing new ways that they plan on supporting web developers in their evolution of their mobile platform. The Facebook mobile SDKs already show a significant boost of support for developers.
Ultimately, Facebook is pushing to become a mobile-first platform. Their NYC conference will be the place to introduce new, three key products to make it easier and faster to build great social apps.
As the Open Graph goes mobile, new APIs and development features will make it simpler to build Open Graph into mobile apps. These tools will also make it easier to support and maintain web and mobile apps. Another feature will be the Facebook Object API (no web server needed). This will reduce the challenge for many developers and mobile designers with object creation and integrating Open Graph into mobile apps.
This API supports both mobile and web apps. The new Object Browser that Facebook is introducing is a straight-forward visual app that helps designers interact with the object data they publish. The Native Share Dialog is another feature that we should point out with the evolution of the mobile platform. The Native Share Dialog helps developers build sharing experiences from native mobile apps.
REFERENCE: Facebook SDK 3.5 for iOS