
B2B Articles - Apr 15, 2013 7:42:31 PM - By Ironpaper

Growth of worldwide advertising in 2012

The worldwide advertising market reached a spend of $557 billion in 2012. The growth of worldwide advertising spending was 3.2% year-over-year according to Nielsen’s latest quarterly Global AdView Pulse report.

world advertising spend

From a global perspective, the year ended on a positive note for the advertising industry. A strong third quarter that witnessed a 4.3 percent increase helped lift the yearly increase. Only Europe saw a decline in advertising spend. The The Middle East and African market demonstrated the strongest growth globally with a 14.6 percent increase.

advertising worldwide

SOURCE: Nielsen - https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/newswire/2013/global-ad-spend-grows-3.2-percent-in-2012.html

ABOUT THE DATA: Nielsen gathered ad spend data for TV, newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor, cinema and Internet display advertising to create this report.