
B2B Articles - May 22, 2013 12:35:53 PM - By Ironpaper

Teen Twitter usage grows by 50% in a year

At a time when teenagers usage of social network has seemed to flatten, Twitter usage has grown by 50% in 1 year, according to a new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

social network usage by teens in 2013

In 2012, about 81% of teens that are online (aged 12-17) reported frequenting a social network or social website. This is relatively flat from 80% a year earlier.

But the teens adopting Twitter has doubled from 16% to 24% in that same time span. Now Twitter's adoption from teens beats that of adults. The report also interestingly points out that not all teens see Twitter as a social network website.

The study also reveals that girls tend to adopt the platform more readily than boys of the same age -- (31% vs. 19%).  Girls, aged 14-17, are the most active segment (39%) according to the poll. However, despite the rapid adoption of Twitter with teens, Facebook is still their dominant social platform.

ABOUT THE REPORT: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project - www.pewinternet.org