
B2B Articles - Sep 18, 2013 10:19:32 PM - By Ironpaper

The most trusted forms of media and advertising

social media marketingAs business leaders make decisions around marketing and resource allocation surrounding marketing decisions, it is important to ask the right questions. For one, which channel generates the most leads and contacts for a particular business? Another key question is which channel is the most scalable with a predictable return?

Another key question comes to mind that business leaders need to ask regarding the marketing of their organizations. What forms of media and advertising garner the most trust?

In a recent study, GLOBAL TRUST IN ADVERTISING AND BRAND MESSAGES, Nielsen explored this question. Online consumers worldwide find that earned media has the greatest amount of trust associated with it. 84% of respondents stated that they completely or somewhat trust the recommendations from people they know. This is an increase from past reports. Branded websites also gained rank in this trust report.

[E]arned advertising channels have empowered consumers to advocate for their favorite brands, something that shouldn’t go unnoticed by brand advertisers.


The report however makes a comparison of media and advertising most trusted by consumers, and forms that consumers are most likely to take action from.

advertising and marketing and consumer opinion

This trust factor vs. action taking concept for various forms of media can be a vital part of the marketing planning process.  This report shows the importance of both word-of-mouth recommendations which may warrant a deeper exploration of an organization's customer service strategy, as well as the effect of social media marketing, which has a powerful value for marketers not solely concerned with transactional behavior.

See also: What is online PR?