B2B Articles - Apr 8, 2014 9:05:55 PM - By Katie Surace
Whether it’s your first blog post or your hundredth, coming up with the right title can mean the difference between engaging your audience or not. According to Copyblogger.com:
"On average, 8 out of 10 people will read the headline copy but only 2 out of 10 will read the rest."
So how can you stand out and encourage your audience to click through? Recent statistics from Hubspot provide some clues.
The data below, derived from simple A/B testing of different titles for the same blog posts, provides statistical proof that certain title types can increase CTR rates.
Consider these takeaways for your next blog title:
Ask a Question
The statistics: In comparing a title containing a question to one that didn't, the findings were statistically significant with .07% CTR vs. .01% CTR.
Including a question in your title sparks intrigue and indicates your post has something to offer the reader.
Indicate Value
The statistics: When a title containing a question was compared with one containing an exclusive offer or ‘revealing’ information, the revealing offer title won with a click through rate of .18% vs. .10%
This shows that people what to receive something in return for their click, valuable information and insights
Use Numbers
The statistics: Adding a number to the beginning of a blog post title gained a 0.2% CTR compared with one without a number that had a .00% CTR
Starting your title with a number allows the reader to know what they can expect in terms of length and readability, indicating that they can scan through easily if needed.
Emphasize Strong Content
The statistics: When comparing a title emphasizing content and one that contained a value proposition, the former gained CTR of .13% while the latter had a .05% CTR.
This shows that keeping a title and clearly emphasizing good content can be more effective than trying to express the value proposition each time.
Communicate a Clear Topic
The statistics: The test between a title with a clear topic compared to vague topic had a result of .03% vs .01% respectively.
A clear topic manages the readers expectations so they know exactly what they can expect when they click through.
While there is no exact formula for creating the perfect title, experimenting with different styles can have an impact on attracting more clicks. It's important to put thought into your blog post title and remember that it is often the first point of contact your audience has to your content.
Sources: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/how-to-attract-more-clicks-blog-posts-title-tests-list, https://www.copyblogger.com/writing-headlines-that-get-results/