
Current Insights


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Youtube SEO focusing on longer watch time

Youtube has a new search algorithm update that changes the way user-generated video are competitively ranked. This update will certainly cause eCommerce managers, digital marketers and media managers...


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Twitter releases micro-video tweets

Twitter launched a new service that allows users to upload video content and share a six-second, video-tweet. The contraint of 6 seconds for the video post is the equivalent of their 140 character...



Does proper grammar hurt cyber security?

Ashwini Rao, a Ph. D student, and her team at the Institute of Software Research discovered that using proper grammar in your passwords is a bad idea--one that weakens your security online. In the...



Facebook touts it's platform for web developers

Facebook wants to attract more developers to build applications, websites and games with it's platform in mind. Today is published some data on why web designers and developers should treat the...



SEO must explore mobile search in 2013

Everyone in the SEO and digital marketing industry seem to be making bets on mobile in 2013. Mobile is more than the latest buzzword or arbitrary fad. From the growing significance of mobile in...


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New SDK makes life easier for Android app developers by providing native UI controls

In mid Dec. of 2012, Facebook took their SDK 3.0 for Android out of beta, which means it began to be fully supported, giving greater access and tools for Android and Native Login. The new Facebook...


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Mozilla to help developers with an open-source, security-testing framework

Mozilla is building an open-source security tool that is designed to aid developers build more secure applications and websites. Security has always been a top priority for Mozilla, but they are now...



Beyond tablets for education: meet digital paper

A Canadian university has unveiled the unlikely offspring of what you would get if you crossed a Kindle with a paper notepad. This new tech marvel is an education tool that preserves the tactile...


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What are the most exciting digital marketing opportunities for 2013?

A new Econsultancy study in partnership with Adobe asks the question, "what are the most exciting opportunities for digital marketing in 2013?" The study shows the results of a poll directed to...


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Mobile to become 15% of eCommerce retail this year

Mobile devices had an impressive eCommerce performance this holiday season. This momentum will most likely continue in 2013 says an eMarketer forecast. As eCommerce websites are ever becoming a vital...



Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
