
Current Insights



Amazon, beyond commerce, goes into content

Google has always claimed that "content is king." For search engines, content and links pointing to content is a recipe for success for organic search. For the newspaper industry, moving their...



Google Voice App Now On An iPhone Near You

Apple has allowed the Google Voice App on the iPhone. The Google Voice App is now available on the App Store. Originally, it was submitted in 2009, but never made it into the App Store or on a...



AOL Jumps Back Into The Spotlight With It's New Email Hub

Many web users have multiple email accounts, and it can be quite a pain to have to skip from one platform to another to access each account. AOL is seeking to eliminate this hassle for many web users...



Features, features, features say the new Adsense UI

Google has launched a new interface design and features for Adsense. The new UI gives users more control and more options for working with data. This upgrades comes at the end of a year's worth of...



Windows 7 Mobile To Allow Apps To Run With Locked Screen

Web developers, until now, would now be able to have their creations run after a user locks their screen. The application would have to get explicit permission by the user to run after the screen is...



A half a billion views for promoted videos on Youtube

Youtube's new program, Promoted Videos, reached a big milestone: a half a billion views. The basic premise to the program is simple. Advertisers paid to have their content show up on the homepage or...


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Microsoft burns through 2 billion per year in Online Division

Mashable in an article, Microsoft Posts Record Earnings, But Still Losing Billions on the Web, compares Microsoft's online division to a start-up, in which case Microsoft would have the worst...



Top seven web development and programming languages on the rise

In an article for InfoWorld, 7 programming languages on the rise October 25, 2010, Peter Wayner discusses the top trends for enterprise programming from Ruby on Rails to PHP. Wayner states that in...



Firefox to sport audio and video recording in open formats

A new Firefox add-on, Rainbow, will make it easy for web designers to record audio and video right in their browser. The audio and video formats created would be in open formats (Theora for video and...



HTML5 Dominating Flash

The NYTimes writes, in an article Apple Has Already Won the Flash-HTML5 War, that Apple has already won the war against Flash--paving the way for the HTML5 technology. According to research by...



Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
