
Current Insights



Pakistan Ends Ban On Facebook Following Apology

Facebook apologized for and removed offensive content from it's site, which prompted Pakistan to end a ban against the website. The offensive content was a contest on Facebook for a contest that...



Third Facebook Phishing Attack May 2010

Another phishing attack is propagating on Facebook. This attack is the third widespread attack on Facebook in the past three weeks. The attack has three noticeable goals: 1. obtain the user's login...


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Third-Party Ads Closed Off From Twitter's Web Development API

Twitter announced on it's blog that it will not allow third-party advertisers to inject ads between tweets with the Twitter web development API. The company will be updating it's terms and conditions...


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AdSense Revenue Share Revealed

Google revealed the share of revenue awarded to publishers for the first time ever. The amount paid to publishers who run "Ads by Google" ads is 68%. AdSense for search publishers get 51 percent of...



Native PDF Reading App For Android Phones

Adobe released a native PDF reading application for phones running Android OS. The app was released on Friday in the Android Marketplace. The tool will let users quickly open up PDFs they download...



Google Facing Class Action Suite in Oregon and Washington State Over Data Collection For Online Maps

Google is facing class action lawsuits in Oregon and Washington states over privacy concerns relating "street view" data collection for it's online mapping program. The plaintiffs, Vicki Van Valin...



With Daily Views At 2 Billion, Youtube Unveils New Plans

Youtube, the web video site, is celebrating it's 5th birthday. The website has seen tremendous success, which includes being purchased by Google for $1.65 billion in November 2006. The website sees...



New Ironpaper News Section

Ironpaper has launched a new section to ironpaper.com. The "Announcements" section has be re-tooled to allow for archiving of old news, streaming of new content, searchability, RSS feed, and click...



Digital Magazines A Tough Sell For Loyal Print Readers

A new study by the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council (cmocouncil.org) states that loyal print magazine readers tend to be faithful to the medium and will not easily switch to a digital format....


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iPad Rival To Stem From Collaboration Of Search and Wireless Companies

Many companies have tried to enter the Kindle market, but Apple has certainly made the largest splash with it's shiny new iPad. News from Google and Verizon Wireless is that the two are putting their...



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Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
