
Current Insights


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Increased Attacks Against Social Networks Are Expected In 2010

According to a recent report by McAfee Labs, social networking websites will face even more attacks by cyber criminals in 2010. In addition, products by Adobe Systems, such as Acrobat Player and the...



Third Major Attack On Twitter This Year

Another major attack was directed against the online social network website, Twitter. This was the third major attack this year. The attack was one of the simplest methods possible. An attacker...



Google Facing A Landmark Political Trial In Italy Over Privacy

Google is facing a privacy and defamation case that will certainly shape the boundaries and legal constraints of web publishing. The issue arose after a video circulated around Youtube of an autistic...



Wii Sales In November Reflect Poor Yearly Trend

US Wii sales dropped this past November following a 50% price cut in September. In addition, Nintendo's US Wii sales dropped 38% from last year. Since March, Nintendo's Wii has been a very poor...


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Are Paywalls The Way To Go?

Many newspapers and content producers who have migrated part of their business to the web have regularly flirted with the idea of pay walls. As a whole, the industry has not jumped into it because it...



Thunderbird 3, Almost Ready, Gets Bug Fix

Mozilla is preparing to launch Thunderbird 3 soon. The current production version is Thunderbird 3 Release Candidate 2. They just released a critical bug fix (Bug 494014) that affected all versions...


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Sync Maps From Google To Mobile

A new feature in the Google maps service will allow users to sync their online favorite maps with their Symbian and Windows phones. Both the online map service and the mobile map service from Google...


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iPhone To Launch In South Korea

The iPhone will be on sale for the first time in South Korea, and the device has already gained 40,000 pre-orders. The South Korean Government had created barriers of entry to protect the mobile...



Twitter Is On The Lookout To Buy Other Companies

In an interview in Tel Aviv, Biz Stone admitted that the acquisition of Summize Twitter made last year turned out to be an "outstandingly good decision." The acquisition gave Twitter access to new...



News Corp To Use Microsoft To Pull It's Content From Search Engines

Rupert Murdoch has initiated a series of meetings Microsoft to discuss pulling it's News Corp websites from search engines. Not too long ago, Rupert Murdoch told Google that it nolonger wanted...



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