
Current Insights



Dictionary.com Gets A Blackberry App

After 3 million downloads from it's iPhone app, Dictionary.com has decided to produce an app for Blackberry smart phones. The Dictionary.com app will support definitions for 500,000 words and...



Folders In Google Docs Now Shareable

Users will be able to share the entire contents of folders in Google Docs, including documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. The permission settings of a folder controls the permissions of all...



Mobile Outage Causes Concern Over Microsoft New Strategy

CNET's article "Sidekick outage casts cloud over Microsoft" describes a concern over Microsoft's reliability to host and store data as a service. The article reacted to a massive service outage that...


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Microsoft Steals Lingo Of Open Source Community To Market New Program

Microsoft launched a new program called Open Value Subscription, which is essentially an MS-Office subscription service. Microsoft will issue "time-based" software licenses as an alternative to full...



FCC Chairman Warns Of Over Extending The Spectrum

"I believe that that the biggest threat to the future of mobile in America is the looming spectrum crisis," stated FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. His message of warning was delivered at CTIA...


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MTA App For iPhone Available Again For Download

The New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has reversed course on what it allows companies to do with it's data. The iPhone app for the MTA (Subway, Bus and Transit) is now available again for...


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Internet Game That Uses Surveillance To Stop Real UK Crime

Civil rights advocates are not thrilled with a new game in the UK that allows regular citizens to become 'super snoopers' and spy on public places looking for crime. The game will award players based...



Microsoft To Issue ISS Patch Fixing Zero Day Flaws

Microsoft will be issuing a security patch to fix zero-day flaws in Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB) and Internet Information Services (IIS). These flaws could potentially allow an attacker to...


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AT&T Defends Its Wireless Network From Criticism

AT&T's chief technology officer John Donovan defended the company's wireless network against criticisms of poor service, dropped calls and slow internet connections. The criticisms came mostly from...



T-Mobile's Sidekick Users Suffer Major Outage

Starting at 1:30 a.m. PT on Friday, T-Mobile Sidekick users experienced a major service outage that in some cases caused all internet connectivity to be lost intermittently. Danger, Inc. a Microsoft...



Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
