
Current Insights



Stumbleupon buys back their company from eBay

The founders of StumbleUpon teamed up with a group of investors to buy back the company from eBay's ownership. This move may help the social network regain some of its lost popularity.


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Google Offers Glimpse At Android 1.5 SDK

Google offers developers an early look at the next generation of Android: Android 1.5 SDK. The 1.5 Platform will offer many new improvements and features--such as allowing more efficient development...


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Digg's new tool significantly increases web traffic

A new tool offered by Digg--the new shortURL and toolbar service (also called Diggbar) has substantially increased its web traffic by essentially keeping web users within the Digg website as users...


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Virgin Announes Flat 49.99 Mobile Plan, Shares Rise 17%

With the current rise in unemployed and a growing economic terror, companies are trying to find new ways to stay afloat or in a few cases thrive. Virgin Mobile just announced a flat 49.99 mobile rate...


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Unpopular Anti-Piracy Law To Boot Offenders From Internet

A new French law (‘HADOPI’ "Creation and Internet" law) that requires ISPs to not serve users who have pirated content. The law is very unpopular with anyone outside of the government and...



Firefox 3.1 Delivery Off Track

The delivery date for the latest edition of Firefox, 3.1. Some developers have suggested that the javascript engine named TraceMonkey should be scraped to get the browser out the door.


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Office Wars: The Software Battlefield

Microsoft is the world's top "office" software maker, and it's Office product is the bread and butter for Microsoft for some time. With free, online competitors now directly competing for business in...


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Youtube Ads Here One Day, Gone The Next

Google will be doing away with the Ad-sense advertising option for Youtube based video content, citing a lack of impact as the reason for retiring the ad product.


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Microsoft To Release Ad Supported Office Suite

Competing with free online office software is no friendly challenge for Microsoft. Their long time bread and butter, Microsoft Office, has been assaulted by new competitors such as Google's free...


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Social Media At Work Makes The Day More Productive, Study Says

A recent study at the University of Melbourne entitled "Freedom to surf: workers more productive if allowed to use the internet for leisure" concluded that workers who use social media or are less...



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