
Current Insights



Top seven web development and programming languages on the rise

In an article for InfoWorld, 7 programming languages on the rise October 25, 2010, Peter Wayner discusses the top trends for enterprise programming from Ruby on Rails to PHP. Wayner states that in...



Firefox to sport audio and video recording in open formats

A new Firefox add-on, Rainbow, will make it easy for web designers to record audio and video right in their browser. The audio and video formats created would be in open formats (Theora for video and...



HTML5 Dominating Flash

The NYTimes writes, in an article Apple Has Already Won the Flash-HTML5 War, that Apple has already won the war against Flash--paving the way for the HTML5 technology. According to research by...



FTC Ends Investigation Into Google Street View Privacy Violation

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has decided to not pursue a case against Google for their supposed mass violations of privacy from open Wi-Fi networks connected with their Street View service....


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Apple To Stop Shipping With Flash Enabled

Apple's new Macbook Air laptops are the first of a kind in many ways. One of the less publicized ways is that the new laptop is the company's first computer to ship without Adobe's Flash player...



Adobe's HTML5 Video Player

Adobe has released an embeddable HTML5 video player, as an alternate to it's Flash video player format. The player can also revert to a Flash video player if the user accessing the video does not...


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Google Analytics Builds A Context Visually

Having a context to data can be quite helpful in understanding human behavior on a website. Google recently launched a new addition to it's very popular Analytics program that provides website owners...



Google App Engine SDK Has Admin Console And Extras

Google App Engine SDK now boosts Version 1.3.8, which supports a new Admin Console and improved monitoring and maintenance features. Other features added to the new release include Task Queue...



Anti "Sexting" Technology Patented By Apple

Apple recently patented a technology that will help parents prevent their kids from sexting (using mobile devices to text self made erotica to friends). Should a text contain certain words, the...



European browser ballot does not seem to by working

In December 2009, Europe had settled an antitrust case against Microsoft by requiring the software giant to offer a browser ballot to provide consumers a choice for their internet experience. The...



Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
