
Current Insights


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Smartphones Surpass TV

Smartphones over take TV. A recent report from Millward Brown analyzed screen activity from a number of angles and found that people spend more time on their smartphones than they do on TV. People...


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How We Read Web Content

Study reveals how we read web content. People spend a lot of time liking, tweeting, sharing and generally promoting a wide range of online content. Content analysis often resides at the promotional...


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Release of Google Shopping campaigns and API to aid advertisers

In February, Google released, out of BETA, the Shopping campaigns it had been testing with an exclusive group of advertisers. Google Shopping campaigns gives advertisers inventory and product feed...


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Marketing industry challenges 2014

The marketing industry is changing. As always. It's easy to get caught up in automated business processes and fall into habits that don't change despite shifts in the industry you work in. From time...


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Budget Allocation to Mobile Spending Not a Priority

Despite mobile device technology playing an ever-growing position in the marketing endeavors of software and other technology companies, few businesses plan to boost their mobile spending over the...


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Bots, Fraud, and Digital Marketing

It’s no secret that there have been an increasing number of bots running about the internet in the past few years. There are a multitude of different bots for different uses; some are used for web...


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Privacy concerns online impact business negatively

Privacy concerns plague social media usage. According to recent research by TRUSTe and Harris Interactive, 92% of US web users worry about their privacy online. This worry affects business...


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Nielsen reveals stats on digital vs television marketing

Nielsen Company, providing audience measurement systems through advertising, came out with a recent report that revealed the marketing growth or decline across the many different types of platforms...



Facebook advertising trends for Q4 of 2013

According to a study by Kenshoo Social, Facebook advertising click through rates increased by 10% from Q3 to Q4 of 2013. Both ad impressions and ad clicks increased--by 51% and 66%, respectively. The...


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Digital Marketing and Gmail's Promotional Tab

Though social media has certainly risen in popularity in terms of digital marketing, email still seems to be the victor when it comes to usage and effectiveness. But when Google announced that Gmail...



Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
