
Current Insights


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Survey Says Many Businesses Aren't Utilizing Behavioral Data

Digital marketing company Razorfish recently conducted a study regarding the use of behavior data by marketers. After surveying 685 C-suite executives, they found that 76 percent of marketers don't...


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36% of Internet Traffic is Fake

A Third of Internet Traffic is Fake. The Interactive Advertising Bureau recently revealed an estimate which stated that over one third of all internet traffic is not real. The Bureau also mentioned...


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Online video affects purchase decisions

Online video is becoming increasingly vital for helping customers with purchase decisions. About three quarters of online shoppers are influenced by online video--helping to drive them towards a...


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Smartphones Surpass TV

Smartphones over take TV. A recent report from Millward Brown analyzed screen activity from a number of angles and found that people spend more time on their smartphones than they do on TV. People...


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Millennials' Influence on Digital Marketing

Millennials, Generation Y, twenty-somethings, and thirty-somethings. Whatever they’re referred to as, they’re now statically the movers and shakers of social media. Reports from Crowdtap, a...


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Percentage of Female Social Media Users

Use of social media is increasing, and a significant portion of this growth has been driven by women. Research recently published by FinanceOnline revealed that women who use social media several...


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What US Travelers Want From Digital Services

US travelers are highly interested in digital services. The internet has altered the way we interact with just about every product and service available. The hotel industry is no exception to this,...


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Marketing industry challenges 2014

The marketing industry is changing. As always. It's easy to get caught up in automated business processes and fall into habits that don't change despite shifts in the industry you work in. From time...


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Budget Allocation to Mobile Spending Not a Priority

Despite mobile device technology playing an ever-growing position in the marketing endeavors of software and other technology companies, few businesses plan to boost their mobile spending over the...


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CMO report: failure to use analytics

A recent CMO survey conducted by Duke Fuqua School of Business shows that most marketing projects fail to use available or requested marketing analytics. The report states that on average about 32.5%...



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