
Current Insights


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iPad Rival To Stem From Collaboration Of Search and Wireless Companies

Many companies have tried to enter the Kindle market, but Apple has certainly made the largest splash with it's shiny new iPad. News from Google and Verizon Wireless is that the two are putting their...


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Microsoft Mobile Ad Deemed Inappropriate Removed

An ad for a socially networked cell phone called Kin was removed as many complained that Microsoft was promoting sexting along with it's new mobile device. The ad featured a young man who takes a...


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Mobile Websites, The New Frontier of Web Design

The mobile web is becoming a very powerful and not-to-be-ignored arena for internet communications and brand awareness. With quickly increasing numbers of web ready devices put into market each day...



Sketch-a-search, Yahoo launches new map app

Yahoo launched a new mobile app that allows users to draw a shape on an online map and conduct a search within it's confines. Searches are limited to restaurants, coffee shops, and some hotels, but...


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Mobile Web: Smart Phone Sales Up 24% From Last Year

The mobile phone industry is booming. Smart phone sales to end users grew 41% from Q4 of 2008 to Q4 of 2009. As a year to year comparison from 2008 to 2009, smart phone sales grew 24% to 172.4...


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Research In Motions Fights For Business Customers With Free Server

Research In Motion is fighting to retain business customers by giving away it's BlackBerry Enterprise Server software to small and medium business customers for free. The Blackberry express server...


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BW Points Out A Possible Partnership Between Apple and Microsoft

As Google readies it's mobile hardware set titled Nexus One for the markets, Apple may be looking to support a less threatening search company. Hell has frozen over. The increasing tensions between...


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Sync Maps From Google To Mobile

A new feature in the Google maps service will allow users to sync their online favorite maps with their Symbian and Windows phones. Both the online map service and the mobile map service from Google...


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iPhone To Launch In South Korea

The iPhone will be on sale for the first time in South Korea, and the device has already gained 40,000 pre-orders. The South Korean Government had created barriers of entry to protect the mobile...



Sidekick Goes On Sale In The Wake Of Massive Service Outage

After a highly publicized service outage for the T-mobile sidekick, T-mobile took the Sidekick off it's shelves. Customers had been without service for weeks as T-mobile and the Danger unit of...



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