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How to Select the Right Web Design Agency

The Internet has transformed the way we shop, connect, research companies, discover products, understand solutions, and do business. As a result, your company website is more important than ever...


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The Importance of a Mobile Responsive Website

Responsive design is a way of designing and developing a website so the content, images, and site structure provide an optimal, seamless viewing experience across a wide variety of devices -- from...



4 Simple Web Design Tips That Boost Traffic

Has your organization seen website traffic slow down? It might be time for a website design overhaul. Making sure you facilitate the right changes, however, can be a bit daunting for web design...


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Mobile Implementation Errors Can Cost 68% of Web Traffic

Going mobile is one of the best ways a company can gain revenue and customers today. However, if a mobile implementation is botched, companies can lose on average 68 percent of their smartphone...


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Despite Rise in Mobile Email Opens, 30% of Marketers Don't Know Their Open Rate

Time and time again, statistics continue to show that mobile email marketing is most certainly not on its way out. In fact, it has accomplished quite the opposite. In April of 2011, email opens on...


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New Twitter Design

A review of the new Twitter design. Percentage of Users Who Approve (Blue) and Who Don't Approve of the New Twitter Design In the final quarter of 2013, Twitter discovered that despite an expanding...


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How We Read Web Content

Study reveals how we read web content. People spend a lot of time liking, tweeting, sharing and generally promoting a wide range of online content. Content analysis often resides at the promotional...


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Privacy concerns online impact business negatively

Privacy concerns plague social media usage. According to recent research by TRUSTe and Harris Interactive, 92% of US web users worry about their privacy online. This worry affects business...


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How big is the tablet market in the US?

How many people own tablets in the US? A new study by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) sheds some light on tablet ownership in the US. About 44% of US online consumers owned tablets as of...


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Responsive websites to be highlighted in mobile SEO

Google is working hard to make smartphone content to be highlighted in search. Google announced that they are replacing their old smartphone crawler with a new one to improve smartphone specific...



Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
