
Current Insights


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Social Networking Site Traffic Has Doubled Since 2007

The number of users of social networking websites such as Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter has doubled since 2007. In the US alone, 55.6 million people use social networking websites. Social networking...


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Outsell Inc Predicts 65 Billion Shift In Spending Away From Traditional Advertising in 2009

Outsell Inc. predicts that companies will shift a collective 65 billion dollars away from traditional advertising to internal web based methods, such as company website improvements and online...


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Phone home For Smartphone Apps: Download vs. Web Hosted

Web hosted smartphone applications are gaining momentum against downloaded applications. Apple's iPhone uses a system of downloading apps to your local device, but that makes it a challenge to offer...


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Cost For Cloud Revealed By Microsoft

Microsoft plans to aggressively complete for business in the cloud computing arena--providing enterprise level computing/software products online through a project called Windows Azure. The company...


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FCKEditor Update Fixes Concerns

FCKEditor has released version which addresses a vulnerability. Exploitation of this vulnerability in FCKEditor could potentially allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code. Coldfusion...



Zoho Office Suite Integrates With Microsoft Access

Zoho Productivity Suite, a document, project and invoicing management tools based online, has launched a new plugin that integrates with a Microsoft product: Access. Just a few weeks ago, Zoho added...


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Google Adsense Supports Font Customization

Google Adsense now allows publishers to have more flexibility to modify ads displayed on their websites. More font choices as well as font sizes are the latest expansion of the Google Adsense...


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Firefox 3.5 Promotes Open Video Format

Firefox 3.5, the sixth development milestone for the increasingly popular browser, will contain support for new web technologies including HTML 5 and open video standards. Other new technologies will...



IE8 Rumors Say Explorer Engine Is Done

This may be the last of the Internet Explorer Rendering Engine. The new Microsoft browser launch ( IE8 ) may be based on Webkit, which is used for Safari and Google Chrome browsers. The new engine is...



Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
