
Current Insights


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Understanding how people use websites evolves with data visualization

One of the great benefits of web-based marketing and advertising is a business or organization's ability to understand the ad's performance or measure ROI. Even small businesses can utilize web...



Firefox 7 focuses on a speedy web

Mozilla has released Firefox 7 web browser, which promises to be speedier than previous versions. This is great news for most all web users, as websites demand more from their browsers. The...


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How can I tell how much website traffic comes from Twitter?

There are some steadfast tools for helping to understand website performance and metrics. Google Analytics is a powerful choice for many businesses--as it provides enterprise level functionality at...



Oracle pushes high availability of MySQL for Windows and streamlines deployment

Oracle is helping to further improve MySQL's capabilities for Windows. They introduced a new installer for the Windows platform that will help streamline deployment. This will radically reduce...


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Nearly half of UK fashion shoppers prefer to buy online

According to the GSI Commerce International's 2011 UK Fashion Retail Report, more than half of UK adults prefer to buy their latest wares online than in-store. The report surveyed over 2000 UK adults...



Adobe's new web interactivity tool that uses standards

Adobe just released Adobe® Edge--a new web interactivity tool that brings motion and interaction to websites for web designers. The really exciting thing is that the new tool uses contemporary web...


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Paid version of the Google Translate API for web developers

In May, Google deprecated their free translation API to the annoyance of many web developers. This past week, Google reinstated their translation API as a paid tool for businesses and web developers....


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Microsoft pushes greater interoperability between Hadoop and MS SQL

Microsoft is pushing for greater interoperability between Hadoop and SQL Server. These new connectors show Microsoft's commitment to the Hadoop open-source technology. These new connectors are:...


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Adobe Systems is introducing a new application codenamed Muse. Built on its AIR platform, Muse lets users create and publish Web sites in the company's InDesign or Illustrator software. Adobe...


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Flash designers ready for a new AIR

Adobe is launching the latest version of Adobe AIR 2.7 SDK, as well as the Adobe AIR 2.7 runtimes. The upgraded versions have new features for both desktop and mobile applications--including mobile...



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