
Current Insights



European browser ballot does not seem to by working

In December 2009, Europe had settled an antitrust case against Microsoft by requiring the software giant to offer a browser ballot to provide consumers a choice for their internet experience. The...



Facebook Like Worm Infects Users' Walls

A worm is spreading through Facebook that forces users to "like" a post. The worm began as an a javascript exploit that automatically activates the "like" functionality from a link. The attack was...



Chrome market share growing while others stabilize

From August through September, all browsers' market share seemed to stabilize with the exception of Google's Chrome web browser. Chrome has gained ground against the dominant Internet Explorer. Even...



Facebook makes big moves against Flickr by upgrading photo-sharing

Facebook is certainly one of the largest photo-sharing websites in the world. With new upgrades to it's photo component such as high resolution images, photo download links, multi-tagging...



Cookies That Just Don't Go Away

Flash cookies are becoming the subject of a number of federal lawsuits against media and technology companies. These cookies are different from normal HTML cookies in that they are not cleared via...



Cyber espionage has lower political risks for nations than traditional espionage

On Sept 17th, the MI5 Director-General, Jonathan Evans, gave a speech before the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, regarding the use of cyberspace in espionage. In his speech, he...


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Advertising Standards Authority In UK To Extend Regulations To Social Media and Company Websites

Advertising Standards Authority of Britain is concerned about the growing gray area on the web where misinformation and misleading advertisements may run amock. This regulatory agency plans to extend...


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Verizon's Certain Commitment To Mobile eCommerce

Verizon Ventures, the VC arm of Verizon, has placed an investment of $400,000 in CardStar, the maker of a mobile app for that iPhone that serves as a holding container for all a user's digital...



HTML5 May Raise New Security Concerns For Developers

HTML5 can power a new breed of web 2.0 websites. In fact, HTML5 will help move many websites and services into becoming full applications--more like those that run on your desktop. With this new...


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Disney and other top websites may be spying, alleges a case in Federal court

An argument going before Federal court in California claims that Disney and a number of other top websites, including sites by Disney, Warner Bros. Records, and Demand Media have broke the law and...



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