May 22, 2014
By: Ironpaper

8 Ways to Make Sure a Company Remains Digitally Relevant.

Competing in the digital world has become a complicated and committed task and one that need nurturing every day. In order for you company to remain competitive in today’s landscape consider the following as part of your overall strategies for long term success.

statsMake Technology Primary
We now live in a world where technology is disrupting every aspect of our lives. How we buy. What We buy. When we buy. Technology is re-defining our daily lives. Be sure to take a taking a long hard look at industry trends and how they may disrupt your business. Embrace the opportunities. Otherwise the opportunities will embrace you.

Write Relevant Content
Consider the difference between a company website that is full of fluff and one with relevant, pertinent, in-depth content. Which firm are you more attracted to? Offer content to educate, inspire or entertain. and be a thought leader in your industry Don’t be afraid afraid to give away knowledge, or add value to your customers. Source, create and publish the best content you can, and try to publish every day.

It Starts with Search
Not being found effectively in search is not only a death sentence it’s silly. Search has become the Yellow Pages of our times and making sure your company comes up as close to page one as possible needs to be a core effort. Investing the time in making sure that you rank high in search engines is not an option.

The World is Now at Your Door Step
How many consumers buy products from around the world?  Furniture or fashion. Products come from Hong Kong, New York and London. Relevance today means thinking global.

Learn Continuously
Digital today requires ongoing and continuous learning. Read blogs in your industry, attend conferences and study until you can’t retain any more. A fast changing world means yesterday’s techniques can become dated very quickly. A company with a well defined and highly energized mission will do what it takes to keep up to date. Invest in your team, fertilize your culture and  commit to education.

Make Buying Uncomplicated
Don’t put obstacles in the way of your customers. Have you ever bought a book on Amazon. It is one click!  As a retailer ask yourself “how can I take out the steps?”. Don't lose your customers in the checkout process.

Finding information, checking the weather and buying products is no longer a desk job. Reading emails and making purchases are done on the bus, the beach and in the cafe. Companies that are ignoring mobile need to design their business and technologies for a mobile world.

Remain Flexible
We all have our own ideas but sometimes you need to listen and watch to what is happening around you. It’s called awareness. Resisting change doesn’t mean you don’t care. Being flexible is a way of thinking. Being open to new ideas and just plain listening means you can adapt.

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