B2B Articles
December 29, 2015

The 4 Cs of B2B customer loyalty

Building loyal customers is a mission critical objective for most B2B organizations. Yet, many organizations simply do not have a clear and effective framework for customer loyalty nurturing and marketing. Digital nurturing tactics for building customer loyalty can be a powerful, inexpensive and scalable approach for a loyalty plan. Here are 4 tips that B2B orgs ought to consider in order to foster and improve customer loyalty.

Lead and customer nurturing

B2B Digital Marketing for Customer Loyalty


Customer Orientation

The best way to ensure the organization will actively use your product or service is by ensuring they are doing so from day 1. Give them all the training that they need to get the most out of your product/service. Make additional training available on your website or within a client success portal. The high-energy and momentum in the beginning is the best time to encourage active use.

This also applies to existing customers who are inactive. Don't abandon them! Wake them up, and encourage them to revisit your product/service. Figure out how you can train them to become pros in it as you are.

Content Creation

Content creation is an essential component of B2B digital marketing.

Create easy-to-understand content that focuses on both new and underused features of your product/service. While you're at it, create additional content about your industry. There are many forms of content to choose from and experiment with, from blog posts, to videos, webinars, and workshops. Be sure to also include use-cases into the mix. Those will help the customer better relate with your product by visualizing themselves in the place of the organization you're putting the spotlight on.


Communication goes hand-in-hand with content creation. It is also one of the most important aspects of customer loyalty, and is equally tricky to execute successfully. Why? Because you're not only communicating to your point-of-contact, you're also communicating with everyone else in their company whom you don't have a relationship with.

Multiple communication channels have to be open, to allow people to communicate with one another, in addition to sharing feedback with you. Multiple channels also increase the chances of you hearing from employees of all levels. You can also solicit feedback through surveys and forums. Just make sure that your brands presence is felt across the board.

Community Building

Communities become created as dialogues are exchanged between organizations and their customers. This support base will be crucial to illicit feelings of loyalty from customers. You can encourage activity across social media, forums, and in-person events to allow customers to discuss how they are leveraging your product/service in their company.

While you're carrying out these initiatives to build customer loyalty, don't forget your employees! They are the ones in the front line, which is exactly why you have to ensure they demonstrate genuine enthusiasm for your product/service. Those feelings will then extend over to your customers, and gear them towards loyalty.

Further reading: Build a B2B customer care program that drives retention and loyalty and B2B content marketing tips and best practices

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