B2B Articles
October 19, 2022
By:Nora Leary

Katie Surace Enters New Role as Group Account Director

We are thrilled to congratulate Katie Surace on her recent promotion to Group Account Director at Ironpaper. This advancement comes on the heels of Katie celebrating ten years with the company, rising from Marketing Manager to Marketing Director to Group Account Director. 


Katie has worked across accounts of all sizes, focusing on enterprise client growth and driving value with clients. She embodies Ironpaper’s methodologies, remaining buyer-focused and implementing testing across all campaign elements. Ironpaper clients feel heard and understood on Katie’s accounts, and she ensures all marketing and sales tactics ladder up to campaign goals. 

Katie doesn’t shy away from challenges – whether it’s a hard-to-reach buyer group, client need, or complex technology, she dives in head first and gets in the work. Her team appreciates her willingness to stay hands-on:

“Observing Katie’s work with clients is always a pleasure and a learning experience. She tackles the toughest client challenges by asking smart, insightful questions while guiding them to focus on the goals and actions that will impact their business the most. She’s quick to point out strategic opportunities and not afraid to highlight areas that need improvement. Most importantly, she always works with her team and clients in an approachable, friendly style.” – Kelly Gerrity, Associate Director.

Focus on Ironpaper’s Growth

Having been at Ironpaper for the last decade, Katie helped the company weather many market shifts by growing the team and its offerings. She has worn many hats – working on the sales and growth teams and leading an extensive suite of accounts.  

“Katie brings stability to accounts, especially when there are things beyond the control of the Ironpaper team creating roadblocks and stress. I also appreciate her ability to identify areas where there is room for growth at the account and individual levels. She always provides attention and support to help me grow professionally without ever micromanaging.” – Erik Miller, Account Lead.

We are so excited to have a team member like Katie at Ironpaper!

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