B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


LinkedIn Marketing in 2017: What B2B Businesses Need to Know

LinkedIn has a new layout. This means that both brands and individuals must rethink their LinkedIn marketing strategy for 2017. The cleaner, sleeker look will be “more intuitive and focused to bring conversations and content to the forefront," says LinkedIn. 50% of LinkedIn members report they are...

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Content Promotion Tips to Save Time and Do Better Marketing

In the inbound marketing world, we should all take a second look at the advice “work smarter, not harder" — because if we did, we'd all spend a lot more time on content promotion. Just think of how much time a marketing team spends to publish relevant, informative, and entertaining content. Content...

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IoT Marketing Strategy and How to Understand the IoT Buyer

The Internet of Things (IoT) is quickly becoming a reality. In fact, Cisco estimates that there will be 500 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2030 (compared to 15 billion today). The IoT is growing 2X year-over-year. — Cisco With this growth, opportunities abound. But providers need to...

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3 B2B Marketing Tips to Help You Understand Your Prospects

It's important for all businesses to understand their prospects, but this is especially true for B2B companies. These three B2B marketing tips can help you speak your prospects' language and create relevant brand touch points. Why is prospect research especially important for B2B companies? Modern...

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4 Ways HubSpot Workflows Will Nurture Your Leads Better

HubSpot is an incredible tool for lead nurturing. But few marketers know how to use HubSpot workflows to their full capabilities. Why not use all the tools in your toolkit? Here, we'll show you the best ways to improve your lead nurturing campaigns with HubSpot workflows. Businesses that use...

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Lead Generation

How to Define Buyer Lifecycle Stages

Phrases such as “buyer’s journey” and “customer lifecycle” are recurring buzzwords in marketing today. Yet how many marketers know how to clearly define buyer lifecycle stages? According to B2B Marketing Research, 68% of marketers have not defined their funnel. Defining lifecycle stages brings a...

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social media marketing

Using Inbound Marketing to Drive Nonprofit Donations

More nonprofits are using inbound marketing to drive nonprofit donations than ever before. Yet only 26% of nonprofit organizations at a sophisticated/mature level of content marketing maturity, according to the Content Marketing Institute’s (CMI) 2016 Nonprofit report. The majority are in the early...

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Lead Generation

Closed Loop Marketing Tactics for Nonprofits

Closed loop marketing aligns marketing and sales to share information and insights in a closed feedback loop. But it's not just a tactic for B2B marketing teams: For nonprofits, closed loop marketing can generate leads and raise donations thanks to data-driven decisions. This blog post outlines...

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Website Metrics That are Critical to Sales Growth (And Measuring Website ROI)

According to a Statista report, 92% of SMEs consider their own websites to be the most effective digital marketing tactic. But which website metrics are these SMEs monitoring— and do they really indicate sales growth? To tackle this question, we'll cover the 4major website metrics you should be...

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Inbound Sales: A Complete Guide for CMOs

The sales process is changing dramatically, and to keep up, CMOs should now take an active role in major inbound sales functions. In fact, companies with a strong sales and marketing alignment achieve 20% annual growth rate, according to Kapost (referencing an Aberdeen Group study). Conversely,...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
