Don't let the website design process kill the end-product. This happens to far too many organizations. There can be many reasons for website design projects to produce a far from superior results. For one, too many "cooks in the kitchen" can muddle and disarm the creative process. Another common...
Selecting a web design agency vs a freelancer What is better for your organization--a web design agency or a freelancer? The differences between the two many be significant, but the answer depends on your needs. The first step to answering this question is to begin to define your project. Start...
The craft of SEO is changing. Google is changing, and with it so is the market and practice. For one, search engine optimization can not be the act of winning for a single perfect keyword. The art and craft of SEO is not dying--it's transforming and search engines are doing a better job of showing...
What is a buyer persona? Personas for marketing Why are buyer personas important to B2B marketing? Many marketing teams ignore the small planning tasks for creating B2B marketing campaigns. One of those often-ignored steps is the creation of buyer personas. Although missing this step may not be...
As the season approaches, retailers of all shapes and sizes are in full swing preparations for the holidays. Tis the season to go from red to black! Top 3 Holiday Offer Campaigns Free express shipping Buy more, save more Post-holiday sale 5 holiday marketing Tips for retailers This holiday quick...
Social media can be used for more than PR and marketing campaign planning. It's power can reside in relationship development, insights and customer service, as well as SEO, PR, lead generation and other marketing initiatives. Relationships with prospects, leads, sales-ready leads, customers and...
Ecommerce businesses are seated with numerous challenges and opportunities with the evolving web. Competition from established retailers as well as brand new start-ups can make for a dizzying array of challenges for eCommerce businesses. More than any other business, eCommerce organizations must...
So often marketers focus on top performing website pages to maximize their return. Obviously giving the best-performing website pages a boost in search engine optimization, page title upgrades and more above-the-fold intrigue, a marketer can greatly improve the traffic and leads generated from...
Businesses often don’t know what to do with a Twitter account once it’s set up. Twitter is a powerful platform, but only if used to its advantage. Twitter can be an extremely strong social platform for business if used appropriately. Here are 4 ways to do so. Understand Twitter - Twitter isn’t...
Business customers require a unique approach compared to consumers, and B2B marketers must adapt their approach accordingly. For example, the B2B buying cycle can be much longer than consumer buying cycles, and to make matters more complicated, in the B2B buying process the decision to purchase may...