Images are one of the most shared types of content on the web. For digital marketers, images can entirely change the effectiveness of a promoted piece of content. Some vertical search engines and social media websites deal exclusively in image content. Images can be optimized for search engines and...
Even the most beautiful wireframe or diagram is a waste of effort if it does not have a business purpose or align to the core strategy of a web project. Information architecture and wireframes are central to web strategy. The creation of these documents are not an arbitrary process. These visual...
The discovery or planning phase of a web or digital project cannot be overstated in it's importance. This initial stage sets a tone for scope, vision and procedures that come to fruition later in the project. The discovery or planning stage is the part of a web project where a project manager...
Good communication is the backbone of web project management. This is especially true for any web development process, where many clients may feel "out of their element" in discussing web technologies. The simple fact that clients may not clearly understand what goes into the development of a...
Facebook wants web developers to write better sentences, and they have just improved the language capabilities of Open Graph to allow it. The goal is simple. Facebook understands that in order for users to share better stories, sometimes developers need to customize the syntax of the Open Graph in...
Well, this year Christmas came early for me, Chanukah was late, but none the less PRESENTS. While most people may think the greatest gift of all is love I think it's Facebook's new "Privacy Shortcuts" tab. Not only is this gem the perfect holiday gift from Facebook after InstaGate, but it appeared...
The tag text does not wrap by default. This can frustrate web designers trying to employ the pre tag as they witness it's bad behavior within a site layout. There are two solutions for working with text. One idea is to make the "pre" text wrap, as we do in this blog. Another idea is to give the...
Here at Ironpaper, we work with many different mass email campaign platforms. One of our favorites is MailChimp, and even more so now after their latest update. They've added an amazingly intuitive, and fun to use, template editor that allows users to drag-and-drop content areas and populate them...
Ironpaper Webintel: By Chris Wallace Are you having trouble importing text from an excel file in Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, or another language that uses non-standard characters? When you save a csv directly from the Excel file, it turns the characters into question marks. But there is an extremely...
Pinterest has quickly become the new "Hot" Social Network. While the site has been live since 2010, the true excitement around Pinterest really didn’t begin until early this year and data has begun to show that products seen of a users's Pinterest Boards are much more apt to be purchased. While...