B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights

Web Development

How to share an iOS distribution certificate

by Jonathan Franchell, CEO of Ironpaper - For more tips and hacks: For iOS app developers, there are some annoying parts of the development process that many developers just hate. For one, only one person can be nominated to be Team Agent on Apple's enterprise account. Now, if you don't have a...

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Web design

How to build an effective fundraising website & online donations

Non-profit organizations need to build a base of support to keep their operations and mission on track. But online donations and a strong fundraising website are often weak points for many traditional non-profits. Typically the web is a place where many organizations cut corners, which can hurt...

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Web design

An effective non-profit arts website

For most non-profit organizations, having an effective online presence is vital for the sustainability of their organization. Within the arts, non-profit websites need to remain interesting as well as influential in order to thrive and fulfill their missions. There are a few core principles to...

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Using tablets and iPads in retail stores

We have found that retail stores can more effectively promote products and improve customer service by using tablet or iPad kiosks within the brick-and-mortar retail experience. Tablets offer a more comfortable, elegant, cheaper and user-friendly way for retailers to provide in-store kiosks while...

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Web design

Structure of CSS3 Drop Shadow for Web Designers

CSS3 is awesome. CSS3 drop shadows are used in casting shadows off block-level elements like divs. We are looking forward to the day obsolete Internet Explorer versions are diluted in the market and more contemporary browsers are the all we need to think about. Fortunately, mobile smart phones are...

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Web design

How to use CSS drop shadows for web designers

CSS box shadow is used in casting shadows off block-level elements like . Both CSS rounded corners and CSS drop shadows can make website updates and maintenance a breeze compared to cutting out images and using background elements. Hello this is a box shadow The structure of the above element is:...

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social media marketing

Tweetbot, a Twitter client manager

When Twitter purchased Tweetdeck, closing down development paths, many web marketers were left frustrated. Many marketing practitioners would rely on old distributables of the app. But technology has left that app behind, and many markers searched for replacements. Certainly, Hootsuite was an...

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Web design

Business Catalyst help: using modules within modules

Adobe's Business Catalyst can be a great CMS, but it does have it's limitations. It can be a perfect system for many clients. Some web developers will be frustrated by the lack of backend control and the slow feature innovation with the system. One very useful tool within Adobe BC is the content...

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Knowledge Base

Facebook will automatically convert all fan/brand pages to timeline

By Brian Franchell As of the end of this month Facebook will be automatically converting all fanpage/brand accounts to the timeline feature. I would like to summarize some of the more important implications for our brand accounts. Firstly, the timeline will be the only landing page for all...

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social media marketing

Managing numerous local Facebook Pages for business

For businesses that have numerous locations, until recently, it has been a frustrating experience managing and maintaining a Facebook social presence that account for each location. Basically, businesses had two options: 1. keep only the primary, corporate Facebook Page and ignore the local...

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