You may be familiar with behavioral targeting for consumer brands — you see it in action every time you search for a product online and see that product “chase” you around the web in different advertising slots. This can make you more likely to buy products by showing you relevant items that are...
Agile projects are three times more likely to succeed than projects managed with traditional methods. –Vitality Chicago Agile website design is the method of launching a lean version of your company’s website, then making software and content improvements over time. Instead of one big launch that...
By Justin Champion Think back to the last blog post you read. Did you skim through it as opposed to reading it because the introduction didn’t keep your attention? Did the content seem to ramble as opposed to getting to the point in a helpful and practical way? Were you unable to find a helpful...
In the past, marketing teams were concerned with softer metrics like social media shares, video views, and webpage visits. These metrics spoke to marketing value but not business value i.e. revenue, and it was hard to convince stakeholders to invest in or appreciate marketing. However, B2B...
According to Statista, online advertising spend is steadily growing year-over-year, and is expected to grow almost 11% yearly through 2021. Online advertising opens up many possibilities for marketing teams to scale, reach new contacts, and nurture leads through their funnel. B2B lead generation is...
For anyone wanting to track the performance of their B2B marketing efforts, you have likely heard about the importance of landing pages on your website. You might also have an understanding of landing page best practices. Both are important to learn, especially for improving lead generation...
As a B2B tech company, your sales process is often several months to even a year long (or more!). It’s also usually a winding pathway, filled with education and deliberation. For tech companies especially, there are often multiple buyers and stakeholders involved. And there are many questions that...
Have your Google rankings dropped suddenly, or perhaps gradually over time but you are noticing it for the first time now? This can be a serious offense for your website performance and business, especially if you are reliant on organic search marketing for new leads. It’s important that you...
One in five marketers now has a dedicated budget for retargeting. (InvespCRO) Once someone leaves your website, all hope of converting them is not lost! Companies can and should recapture attention for their products and services. Acquiring new B2B leads is often costly. Additionally, B2B leads...
With today’s data capabilities, we’re used to seeing remarketing ads for our favorite consumer brands. If you browse any major online retail store you will soon find the same products following you around the web in what is called retargeting ads. Or you might see broader remarketing strategies...