B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


My Google Rankings Dropped — What Now?

Have your Google rankings dropped suddenly, or perhaps gradually over time but you are noticing it for the first time now? This can be a serious offense for your website performance and business, especially if you are reliant on organic search marketing for new leads. It’s important that you...

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Remarketing vs Retargeting: Defining a Strategy for B2B Lead Conversion

One in five marketers now has a dedicated budget for retargeting. (InvespCRO) Once someone leaves your website, all hope of converting them is not lost! Companies can and should recapture attention for their products and services. Acquiring new B2B leads is often costly. Additionally, B2B leads...

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5 Remarketing Examples for B2B Companies

With today’s data capabilities, we’re used to seeing remarketing ads for our favorite consumer brands. If you browse any major online retail store you will soon find the same products following you around the web in what is called retargeting ads. Or you might see broader remarketing strategies...

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5 Ways to Optimize Your Downloadable B2B Content for Sales Leads

The average person consumes 11.4 pieces of content before making a purchasing decision, according to Forrester. Clearly, content matters for the sales process. Content marketing can help give context, or it can show thought leadership. It can be the difference between choosing one vendor and a...

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5 Reasons Content Creators Should Be Looking At Analytics

Content creators might not be in the habit of mining the wealth of analytical data to find clues as to what kind of content they should be planning to write or how well existing content impacts their bottom line. But these numbers, when taken from the right places, tell the story of how your...

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Lead Generation

Simple Web Design + Content Upgrades for Instant Engagement

While it’s always nice to get a “facelift” on your website and a fresh new look, redesigning a website is about so much more than branding and visual appeal. Your website should be a tool for lead generation and sales -- something to drive new leads in the door. So engaging your target audience is...

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How to Create a Keyword Strategy for SEO

A keyword strategy is a wonderful way to organize your search marketing activities. We advise that every company starts with a documented strategy before getting too far with content writing or anything else. Google’s market share in 2017 was 75% of all keyword inquiries, according to Smart...

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Knowledge Base

What is an SEO page? Definition and Best Practices

A successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy involves different tactics across your digital marketing mix. Some SEO tactics include content marketing, blog publishing, and technical SEO (such as ensuring that your website is fast and high-performing.) In order to rank in Google search...

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Knowledge Base

5 Ways to Fail at Account-Based Marketing

Account-based marketing is a solid technique for marketers to attract the right prospects into their marketing and sales funnels. By targeting specific accounts or individuals, you can “trim” off resources from your marketing efforts that may be spent capturing irrelevant leads. You also help...

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Knowledge Base

The Missing Element in Your 2018 Business Growth Strategy: Sales and Marketing Alignment

By Anna Tindal How would you describe a marketing campaign’s success? Do you simply show your CEO an attractive new website page, or do you track leads and sales? Research suggests marketers are still choosing to allocate marketing dollars to create “pretty” instead of creating “results”. With only...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
