Searching for a job in the marketing industry when you don’t have a degree in marketing can be discouraging, but getting a job without a degree is entirely possible. The industry is changing, and a traditional degree may not be necessary for all positions. Marketing has become a digital-focused,...
By Chantel Hall, Marketing Content Specialist The option to talk to a customer service agent (real or robotic) through a website chat function is growing in popularity with both businesses and buyers. But do they work? Or are they just a fad? The answer depends heavily on how you implement it. Chat...
Skilled B2B marketers are in high demand, but the critical skills needed to perform as a competitive marketer change continuously. A study by Monster found that 82% of global respondents planned to hire in 2021. With the increasing availability of data, marketers have to evolve how they plan and...
The SaaS industry is maturing and tackling more business needs each year. Likewise, the demand for SaaS to solve business problems grows. SaaS products often have similar benefits: the potential to reduce IT support costs, improve ease of use through ongoing updates, and the ability to access tools...
Put the phone down. You don't want to cold-call anyone. Your prospects don't want to be cold-called. Consider these statistics: The average sales development rep makes 52 calls daily. It takes 18 dials to connect with a single buyer. 84% of B2B decision-makers start the buying process with a...
Purposefully written content that aligns with buyer needs can drive prospects down the sales funnel, and increase close rates. Oftentimes, the content sales teams produce is ineffective because it is too pushy and sales-driven. This presents an opportunity for marketing teams to support sales...
B2B marketing has evolved greatly with innovations in analytics, publishing tools, understanding of web user behavior, and lead tracking tools. B2B marketing has significantly evolved with innovations in analytics, publishing tools, understanding of web user behavior, and lead tracking tools. The...
By Brian Balboa, Content Specialist Having a B2B marketing team usually means you manage a diverse set of individuals, each with a unique set of personalities and skills. Managing them all isn’t always an easy task, but it can be. These five tips for managing marketing teams are great to utilize...
By Tayler Patterson, Web Project Manager Redoing elements of your website can be stressful, and often design and development agencies want to sell their highest package, with little regard to what the specific company needs are. We find that businesses come to us asking for a completely new website...
By Shawn Smajstrla, Content Strategist Life during the COVID-19 pandemic was marked by separation and isolation. Shutdowns, stay-at-home orders, and social distancing kept us from family, friends, and workplaces. Personal interactions were replaced with digital, online versions. In essence, we...