B2B Articles

B2B Marketing Insights


Benefits of HubSpot COS for Telecom Companies

The HubSpot COS (Content Optimization System) offers many perks for telecom companies across the board. From radio and television, to telephones to computer networks, satellites, and the Internet - the HubSpot COS can be highly useful for each kind of telco. This is all thanks to the unique blend...

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Benefits of HubSpot COS for SaaS websites

The HubSpot Content Optimization System (COS) is an outstanding tool for SaaS companies. It blends the perks of content management systems and personalization engines. The HubSpot COS is the first integrated website, blog, and landing page system of its kind to be mobile-optimized out-of-the-box....

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How to improve conversion rates for SaaS marketing

SaaS brands have multiple key performance indicators to help assess the success of their marketing efforts, including free trial registrations, feature/tool usage and sales conversions. The following items are tactics for how to improve conversion rates for SaaS marketing. Freemium or free trial...

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Best Wordpress Plugins for Nonprofit Websites

Always on the lookout for ways to improve your nonprofits website and its performance? If the site is built on Wordpress, there are many great plugins to choose from. Each of these serve as a quick fix. When used correctly, they can help transform your nonprofit website into a powerhouse that reaps...

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Web design

Best Donation Tools for Nonprofits

There are many online donation tools available for nonprofits - how can one choose what’s best for their organization? We narrowed down a few great tools for nonprofits and donors alike. Not only are they affordable for nonprofit fundraising - they are also convenient for donors to use for their...

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Build a B2B customer care program that drives retention and loyalty

B2B brands can build retention and loyalty by offering a customer support program. A customer care program does not need to be difficult to implement, but the best programs offer a mix of one-way and two-way communications that inform, inspire, educate and listen. B2B marketing is more than lead...

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Why your best salesperson is your website

The self-educating buyer In 2008, Roman Ray wrote, The Best Salesperson: Your Website, in Entrepreneur Magazine explaining how an business's best sales person is actually their website. The Internet has changed the way we shop Websites play a central role in the customer acquisition process. A...

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Web design

Optimizing eCommerce for Mobile

Mobile has grown past the point of merely driving customers to brick and mortar stores. It has become a central sales point. Mobile customers are task-oriented and brands need to ensure they provide an intuitive mobile eCommerce experience, because unlike desktop or in-store, customers are much...

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The Purpose of a Website Landing Page

Landing pages are those areas of a website where visitors arrive after clicking an ad, a social post, a referral, or a search listing. There are typically many pages on a website that acts as natural landing pages in that visitors "land" there first--and bypass the homepage. A website will have...

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Web design

How to block search engines in Wordpress

For websites in production, it is a good idea to block search engines from accessing your content and caching your website for search. Wordpress makes it easy to block Google and other search engines. To block Google and search engines in Wordpress Click on the "Settings" item in your left hand...

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Marketing Opportunities for B2B IoT Companies

The Internet of Things is reshaping and defining markets, so much so that it has been dubbed “the next Industrial Revolution.”

Download our comprehensive guide on the opportunities, challenges, and best practices for IoT solution providers in the B2B space.
